About Sonia Shah:
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Sonia Shah: "The Tiniest Trash Bin"
Not On Target
OK, So Not Everyone Had a Happy Thanksgiving
Coles Hill Plaque
(photo by Nicole S.)
Friday, November 26, 2004
Friday Pet Blogging -- CATS
Milo follows good hygiene and cleans
his feet after each play sesson.
And then ... Otis!
Otis: "What kind of mischief can I get into now...?"
I'm guessing that Otis is looking to jump right on Milo's head. Wouldn't be the first time.
Don't forget to check The Modulator for today's compilation of pet posts from other bloggers (as well as links to archived compilations). And you can check Prophet or Madman's previous Pet Blog posts for more Milo & Otis:
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Break from Blogging
Happy Thanksgiving (or Whatever Harvest Festival You Might Celebrate)!
Today is a day for all of us to be thankful. Whether you express thanks to one god, or many, or to simply your own ability, you have a reason to be thankful. And I hope that, in some small way, you were able to share your bounty with others more in need.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Over the River ...
Something Fun: The Ultrainteractive KungFu-Remixer!
43 Things
Monday, November 22, 2004
EU and (Muslim) Immigration
Associated Press European Union justice and interior ministers agreed Friday that new immigrants to the 25-nation bloc should be required to learn local languages and adhere to general “European values” that will guide them toward better integration. Dutch immigration minister Rita Verdonk, who presided over the meeting, said all countries agreed to make integrating newcomers a priority, considering the growing ethnic tensions as EU nations struggle to absorb a steady stream of poor, mostly Muslim immigrants. [Full Story]EU' s Immigration Policy Toughens
Recurring tension throughout the continent following the murdering of Dutch moviemaker Theo Van Gogh has led the European Union (EU) to consider tough preventive measures. A similar policy to the highly criticized tight immigration policy implemented by US administration after the September 11th may also be implemented in Europe. Europe, which criticized the US for taking "anti-democratic preventive measures against terror" after the September 11th, has been gradually shifting to a similar line. [Full Story]Integration Debate Heats up in Germany
Leading German politicians have said Muslims will have to integrate themselves better if they wish to remain in the country. This coincides with conservatives' calls to emphasize patriotism and Christian values. [Full Story]
The Haze Can Be Seen From Space
Amazing Kreskin -- Corruption Buster??
"If a person is coming in with a strong hidden agenda, they're thinking about it. They're focusing on it. I could get a ... strong sense (of that)."Geez. Where were his services when we needed to find those weapons of mass destruction? Why didn't he offer to help find hostages taken by insurgents in Iraq? Or, better yet, could he help train screeners at the airports?
Friday, November 19, 2004
Ow, My Blog
Buddhism, Aikido, art, books, music, and other stuff that gets stuck in your head. "There is one kind of person in the world: the kind that divides the world into two kinds of people, and the kind that does not."I also recommend that you glance at the disclaimer.
BBC News: Pupils Scared by Asteroid Spoof
Required Viewing: 300 Miles High
To give credit where it is due, all these images come from NASA, which allows free reproduction for non-profit enterprises. Further credit goes to the many astronauts who actually framed and photographed many of these amazing images. Some were taken remotely, others by automatic cameras mounted on the Shuttle or the International Space Station. Nearly all are true color images, only a few have infrared coloring (green foliage looks reddish-pink).Do yourself a favor today. Take some time and pore over these images. Let them truly seep into your soul. You will see that they display a profound truth: Political boundaries are merely a product of the human mind, which is the source of all boundaries and limitations. Bookmark 300 Miles High and return to it whenever you need a reminder of the beauty in the world that is the world. When you need a reminder that you are a part of something much larger and wondrous. When you need hope.
Friday Pet Blogging -- Milo!
"Z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z ..."
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Clinton -- A Presidential Center Dedicated; A Legacy Pondered
"I once said to a friend of mine about three days before the election... 'You know, am I the only person in the entire United States of America who likes both George W. Bush and John Kerry, who believes they're both good people, who believes they both love our country and they just see the world differently?"Could Bubba be the person to cross that divide? I would like to believe he could. He is an accomplished politician, and he has a burning desire to leave a positive legacy. Perhaps, as some folks have whispered, Bush should make Clinton the Special Envoy to the Middle East. There is no shortage of love for Clinton overseas. And his ego would ensure that he would keep working at the peace process until he got it right. What better way to shift his legacy from a blue dress? [Added 11:34PM] -- By the way, Michael Smerconish, a Philadelphia-based talk radio host and author of Flying Blind, mentioned this very idea on his show this morning as well as in his Daily News column -- you might need a free registration to read it. I just read it in my local paper. Check it out! (I am referring to his column, not my paper).
Really Old Pit
Full AP story over at Yahoo.In the growing debate about when people first appeared on this continent, a leading archaeologist said Wednesday hehas discovered what could be sooty evidence of human occupation in North America tens of thousands of years earlier than is commonly believed. University of South Carolina archaeologist Al Goodyear said he has uncovered a layer of charcoal from a possible hearth or fire pit at a site near the Savannah River. Samples from the layer have been laboratory-dated to more than 50,000 years old. Yet Goodyear stopped short of declaring it proof of the continent's earliest human occupation.
Colin Powell's Resignation (It's a Pity)
The pity is not that Powell has resigned as secretary of state. The pity is that he did not do so quickly.He comes to this conclusion because Powell, who did disagree frequently with his colleagues in Bush's administration -- and with President Bush himself -- did nothing significant about it. I can agree with him to a point. I am disappointed in Powell's performance in the State Department (but such disappointment is less than that which I feel for the Bush administration as a whole). I'm afraid now that a potentially great moderate voice will fade into history.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
ASCIIMATION -- feuerfreimovie
PETA Continues to Go Over the Deep End
"No one would ever put a hook through a dog's or cat's mouth. Once people start to understand that fish, although they come in different packaging, are just as intelligent, they'll stop eating them."Uh, yeah. Be certain to check the comments and extra links Jazz posted at Running Scared. And I highly suggest you read the story of how Jazz was attacked by PETA.
Disney Animator Ward Kimball's Toys and Trains up for Auction
On Nov. 19 and 20 at the Philadelphia Airport Ramada Inn, Noel Barrett Antiques & Auctions, Ltd. will sell part one of the lifetime toy and train collection of legendary Disney animator Ward Kimball. A spectacular and unique collection known to enthusiasts throughout the world, the Kimball trains and toys are unmatched in their synergy of quality, quantity and diversity – so much so that it will take two separate events of approximately 800 lots each to auction them all. The second sale will be held on Memorial Day weekend, May 27-28, 2005.If you are looking for a Christmas gift for me, or you just want to see some cool old toys, direct your browser to Toyzine.
Political Reason and Moderation
"President Bush has been accused of pursuing divisive policies. But let's face it, promoting crude stereotypes of slightly more than half the electorate is not exactly the way to promote understanding."And...
"Democracy is great; but in a divided culture democracy means that roughly half the people will live under a government they did not elect. That's one good reason to limit the federal government's intervention in our lives and to give more of the decision-making power to local governments, private institutions, and individuals."You can read more of Cathy Young's work at Reason Online. And I encourage you to do so.
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Broke Nation
Blogs Illustrated -- It's Keen!
Monday, November 15, 2004
Linked Prophet, Hyper Madman
Music and Literature: Sting
I pore over Beatles albums with the same obsessive and forensic scrutiny that I’d applied to Rodgers and Hammerstein, only now I have a guitar. I have an instrument that can reproduce the practical magic of the chord structures and the network of riffs that their songs are built on. And what songs, one after the other, album after album. I learn to play them all, confident that if I persevere, what I can’t play immediately will yield its secret eventually. I will reapply the needle of the record player again and again to the bars of music that seem beyond my analysis, like a safecracker picking a lock, until the prize is mine. No school subject ever occupies as much of my time or energy. I’m not claiming that any kind of prescience about the future is at work here, but there is something in the driven and compulsive nature of this obsession that is unusual, something in the unconscious saying, This is how you escape. This is how you escape.Read the rest of the excerpt at http://www.odemagazine.com/article.php?aID=3953 [Note: I added the the needle and record player links to help our younger readers.]
Swinging is Liberating ... and Meditative
A Return Home and Bits about Movies
Classic Movies as Websites; Are The Incredibles ... Right?; and the Wrong Constantine
Friday, November 12, 2004
Friday Pet Blogging
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Political Bashing -- A Guide for Newbies
A Few Articles: Freedom & Terrorism; Bits of America; Bloggers' Influence; and Expulsion
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Today's Waste of Time: Lost Frog
Go to http://lostfrog.org/ keep clicking for full story
Maps of Election 2004 Results ... and Wallpaper
- Robert J. Vanderbei has circulated the 2004 Purple America map. It uses County-by-County election return data from USA Today together with County boundary data from the US Census' Tiger database. Some of the maps are available as desktop wallpaper. Oh, and Mr. Vanderbei also has a purple map for the 2000 Election.
- Michael Gastner, Cosma Shalizi, and Mark Newman have gone a few steps further and offer Maps and Cartograms of the 2004 Election Results. There are several types of cartograms, but for the purpose of the Gastner-Shalizi-Newman maps, a cartogram is a map in which the sizes of states have been rescaled according to their population, which means that each state is drawn to be proportional to the number of their inhabitants.
- And here is a cool demographic map that shows the 2004 Election Results by County according to Population Density. [Courtesy of CBS and ESRI]
Monday, November 08, 2004
10 x 10 / 100 Words and Pictures That Define the Time
10x10™ ('ten by ten') is an interactive exploration of the words and pictures that define the time. ... Every hour, 10x10 collects the 100 words and pictures that matter most on a global scale, and presents them as a single image, taken to encapsulate that moment in time ... ...10x10 is ever-changing, ever-growing, quietly observing the ways in which we live. It records our wars and crises, our triumphs and tragedies, our mistakes and milestones. When we make history, or at least the headlines, 10x10 takes note and remembers... ...10x10 runs with no human intervention, autonomously observing what a handful of leading international news sources are saying and showing. 10x10 makes no comment on news media bias, or lack thereof. It has no politics, nor any secret agenda; it simply shows what it finds.
Shut Up?
Friday, November 05, 2004
Friday Pet Blogging II: Wipe Your Paws
Friday Pet Blogging
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Election Outcome Elicits a Wealth of Reactions
ANTHEM No man, no madness, Though their sad power may prevail, Can possess, conquer, my country's heart They rise to fail She is eternal Long before nations' lines were drawn When no flags flew, and no armies stood My land was born And you ask me why I love her Through wars, death and despair She is the constant We who don't care And you ask me would I leave her -- but how? I cross over borders but I'm still there now How can I leave her? Where would I start? Let men's petty nations tear themselves apart My land's only borders lie around my heart
(Tim Rice/Benny Andersson/Bjoern Ulvacus -- from the musical, Chess)
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Can I console myself with the fact that my state, Pennsylvania, went with Kerry? I don't know that anything can console me right now. Oh, I know that neither candidate is the savior their campaigns (and supporters) tried to make them out to be. But there were some important issues on the line and I cannot help but think a second Bush term will do more harm than good for this nation ... and the world.
The Daily Snap photoblog nicely sums up many conflicting emotions with this entry.