Friday, December 20, 2013

25 Days of Winter Holiday Trivia: Updated Leaderboard!

In just a few days, the leader board has drastically changed. So much so that we have a new name atop the leader board for the 25 Days of Winter Holiday Trivia! Now, this contest is far from over,  so if you want to take a shot at the gift cards that will go to the top three scorers, you'd best get to reading the questions and submitting your answers. Although the first few posts (starting here) invite you to leave your answers in the comments section. However, it might be best to follow the directions posted in later posts and send me a message. Refer to the most recent trivia post for details.

As of today, the top three players are:
  1. Stephen B
  2. Purehero
  3. HeidiGolightly

Thank you for playing! New question will go live at 6:00am Eastern time! 

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