Friday, July 27, 2012

Stuff I've Seen on the Interwebz: BMW Grill, Edible Cookie Cup, and Hello Kitty Fry Pan

Here are a few items I saw online recently. Perhaps the only interest you will have in any of them is for their entertainment value ...

First, we have a BMW grill from the Top Gear website (someone submitted it to Top Gear, they didn't build it or anything):
(Update 8/16/15: this Top Gear page no longer accessible)

Next is one of the most incredible (and long overdue) things I've seen: The Edible Cookie Cup! (Bad news: It is not gluten free)

Final entry for "Stuff I've Seen on the Interwebz" is ... well, I'm not sure who would want this, but there it is: the Hello Kitty Frying Pan.

Aren't you glad we have the internet to supply with with an endless array of ... well, whatever?

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