Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday 80s Flashback for July 27, 2012

[That Was Close] -- I wanted this week's Flashback to be a follow-up to my 6/29/2012 post (A.I. in the 80s), with a focus on robots rather than computers that had gained sentience. Alas, I have not been very successful in compiling what I would consider a good playlist for that theme. I have plenty of fodder, but much of the music has been ... meh. I knew I needed to change gears and pick a theme that would easily and quickly inspire me to complete this week's post. So I did what I have often done when I needed writing inspiration: I shook my iPod Nano (you know, to get random play working). After the telltale "doodle dee doo" played, the first song queued up, and upon hearing its initial notes I knew I had what I needed. This week's theme features songs that are close. Well, more accurately, songs about being/getting close to someone or something. I can even tie it to the 2012 Olympics which kick off tonight: Many athletes in London over the next 17 days will come close to their ultimate goal of winning an Olympic medal, but far more will return home with only their memories. Well, that's a bit of a downer. But if you're still wondering what tunes not only came close but actually landed in my playlist this week, then read and hear more after the break.

(Oh, maybe when you're done, you can guess which song  kicked it all off -- And, no, they are not in order here!)

Stuff I've Seen on the Interwebz: BMW Grill, Edible Cookie Cup, and Hello Kitty Fry Pan

Here are a few items I saw online recently. Perhaps the only interest you will have in any of them is for their entertainment value ...

First, we have a BMW grill from the Top Gear website (someone submitted it to Top Gear, they didn't build it or anything):
(Update 8/16/15: this Top Gear page no longer accessible)

Next is one of the most incredible (and long overdue) things I've seen: The Edible Cookie Cup! (Bad news: It is not gluten free)

Final entry for "Stuff I've Seen on the Interwebz" is ... well, I'm not sure who would want this, but there it is: the Hello Kitty Frying Pan.

Aren't you glad we have the internet to supply with with an endless array of ... well, whatever?

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Friday 80s Flashback for July 13, 2012

The Teen Titans rendered in the style of The Breakfast Club by Cliff Chiang

[See You in the Funny Pages] -- Yes, I am a day late in publishing the latest Flashback, but I am currently in the midst of heroes. Well, comic book, video game, TV and movie heroes. And several hundred people trying to dress like comic book, video game, TV, and movie heroes. I've also been in lines that seem to stretch from San Diego to South Carolina (the line for the Firefly 10-Year Anniversary Panel certainly comes to mind). If you want to feel like you're at SDCC with me, you can check out Mark Anderson's tutorial on how to draw Batman (but there is, however, no tutorial showing you how to autograph your drawing like one of the artists who actually work on the Batman comics ... sorry). You can also follow some of our adventures by checking out our little friend, Mocha (). Now, just like last year around this time, the Flashback has something of a heroic theme. To find out what songs made the playlist this year, read and hear more after the break.

Friday, July 06, 2012

Friday 80s Flashback for July 6, 2012

Grover Allman American Flag Guitar Pick (available on eBay)

[A Rockin' Fourth Redux!] -- A year ago today, we in the States were poised to embark on a three-day weekend in celebration of the Fourth of July. This year, July 4th occurred on a Wednesday, so we had a mid-week break and we're going into a perfectly normal weekend. Well, perfectly normal aside from the fact that I have looming deadlines at work and I am preparing to attend SDCC 2012. You know that that combination means, right? Right! It's time to repeat a previous Flashback post, a flashback of the Flashback if you will. Today's playlist originally appeared on July 1, 2011. If you're still in a celebratory mood regarding the events of 1776, and you're ready to celebrate with me in 80s rock style, then read and hear more after the break.