[Food, Family, and More Food (Redux)] -- Welcome to a very special Black Friday edition of the Friday 80s Flashback. Today, I am re-posting the 11/25/11 edition of the Flashback. Why am I reusing a previous Flashback? Why, so I can participate in Black Friday, of course! However, in my case, participation pretty much means sitting on the couch in my parents' living room while I watch college football and catch up on my reading. Now, I did plan to post a set of songs that snarked on today's focus on over-consumerism. Instead, I'll dwell on the holiday that just passed ... right after I offer up this meme GIF:
So, back to today's recycled playlist. Thanksgiving is a time to gather with loved ones for a communal meal, reflect on ones blessings, share our largesse, and then lapse into a food coma. Now, there aren't too many Thanksgiving-specific tunes from the 80s, so I had to be a little creative for this post and focus on the theme of Food and Family (and, of course, more food). If you have recovered from your food coma and you need a break from the insanity of Black Friday, then check out this week's selections after the break.