Friday, November 25, 2011

Friday 80s Flashback for November 25, 2011

[Food, Family, and More Food] -- Sure, today is Black Friday, but I prefer to dwell on the holiday that just passed. Thanksgiving is a time to gather with loved ones for a communal meal, reflect on ones blessings, share our largesse, and then lapse into a food coma. Now, there aren't too many Thanksgiving-specific tunes from the 80s, so I had to be a little creative for this post and focus on the theme of Food and Family (and, of course, more food). If you have recovered from your food coma and you need a break from the insanity of Black Friday, then check out this week's selections after the break.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday 80s Flashback for November 18, 2011

[Suffering in Silence] -- Last week's flashback featured songs about children suffering from abuse (see Too Many Tears, posted November 11, 2011). At the end of that flashback post, I included linkage to organizations/agencies working to help current and prevent future victims. Well, over the course of a week, one of those organizations, via the Proud PSU for RAINN campaign, has raised over $400,000.00 (see link below)! But there is going to be more bad news before this is all over. The FBI, NCAA, and more media have descended upon State College, PA, with talk of deeper investigations, more victims, and darker cover-ups. And now the stain of sexual abuse has spread to other schools: a Syracuse University basketball coach has been accused of molesting two boys over the course of 16 years.

As all of this is still fresh in the public eye, I decided to roll over last week's theme into this week, and provide the organization links again (just in case case folks missed them and are still looking for a way to contribute in a positive manner). Here are the organizations I linked last week:
A grassroots network of PSU alumni os standing for victims of sexual abuse by supporting RAINN. They have joined together to mobilize the Penn State fan base – alumni, students and fans – to ensure something like this never happens again – anywhere
Creating safe environments where children and teens are safe from sexual harm is everyone’s responsibility. Join us by taking steps to protect the children in your community from sexual abuse.

Founded in 1959 by Sara O'Meara and Yvonne Fedderson, Childhelp® is a leading national non-profit organization dedicated to helping victims of child abuse and neglect.

For this week's 80s songs, read and hear more after the break.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday 80s Flashback for November 11, 2011

[Too Many Tears] -- Full disclosure: As a Penn State alumnus and a longtime fan of the Nittany Lions this has been the most difficult week I have ever experienced as a Penn Stater. No, I'm not talking about how I, and other alumni, feel shattered and betrayed. Nor am I talking about being angry over the dismissal of JoePa. No, all of that pales in comparison to what Sandusky's victims (alleged or otherwise, and I hate using "alleged" but the man is charged, not convicted) are reported to have experienced. I have wept -- yes, wept, as I read the details in the Grand Jury Report (Warning: Graphic Content- pdf). And I died a little inside as it seemed increasingly clear that no one tried to help those children. Therefore, this week's flashback has songs about the plight of abused children. And I've included links to organizations that work to prevent and treat victims of sexual abuse. I know this is a heavy topic, but I hope you will continue after the break and check out the latest flashback tunes.

Friday, November 04, 2011

Friday 80s Flashback for November 4, 2011

"Don't Forget Me" by ~sweet-reality-xo (

[Memory] -- Technically, the Flashback is always about memory and remembrance, and about not forgetting great 80s music, but this week we focus on songs that specifically evoke the theme of memory. Given this week, memory is an appropriate theme: we have gone through a number of holidays (or holy days) that traditionally have been dedicated to remembering those who have passed beyond the veil (Samhain, All Saint's Day, El Dia de Muertos, and All Soul's Day). Also, as the days turn colder, we remember, perhaps bitter-sweetly, the warm days that are now in our past. And many are likely looking forward to the upcoming holiday season, yet also remembering the Thanksgiving, Yule, and Christmas celebrations of long ago. Now, all this week, I have had a particular and memorable song in my head. As it fits this week's theme, I hunted down two more tracks to accompany this earworm and share them with my fellow 80s-philes (all two of you). As usual, you can read and hear more after the break.