
Friday, May 12, 2006

Dearth of Posts / Prophet's Got a Brand New Bag

I just took a backwards glance, and I notice a gap from April 28 to May 4/5, and then another gap between May 5 and May 11. So, yeah, I know that I have been pretty lax about posting here for the past two weeks. Time has been at a premium for me. I'm a little behind in my classes (I need to write one paper in response to a talk on Depression & Suicide, and another summarizing my feedback regarding a three-day retreat on Conducting Rituals), I have several large writing projects at work, and I was working on a proposal for purchasing more lighting equipment at the Montgomery Theater (I'll post more about that project over at Confessions of a Serial Theater Lackey). But my biggest task has been landing a new job. Yup, you read that correctly. I am actually leaving the job I have held for nearly seven years. I have not been able to write much here because the prospect of the new job was taking up a majority portion of my brain cells. "Why didn't you write about that?" I hear you asking, "about the search ... the interviews?" Well, because I couldn't. You see, a few people at my current job know about this blog. I don't think there are any regulars among them, but I didn't want to take the chance of writing about the potential new gig and having one of my current colleagues stumbling across that fact. Not that I was embarassed about looking for a new job, or that I thought someone would squeal to management that "the tech writer is going to jump ship!" No, I just felt it was easier to deal with everything if I kept it to myself. Maybe I'll write about it in retrospect. But, as I said, I submitted my resignation this week. So right now, I'm scrambling to finish a few things in light of my upcoming departure. In case you want to mark your calendars, my last day at my current job will be May 22, and I start my new position on May 30. Drop me a line if you want to hear more about it. What, if anything, does this mean for Prophet or Madman? Well, here's the bottom line as best I can determine it at this point in time: Until May 22, my loyal readers (all two or three of you) can expect posting to be erratic at best. And after May 30, I may only be able to post in the evening. I don't know for certain yet how much blogging I'll be able to do (or even read) at my new job. But no matter the obstacles ... I will get the Friday Pet Blogging posts done!

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