
Monday, November 01, 2004

World is Watching the U.S. Election

I'm sure it comes as no surprise that the whole world is watching the U.S. election. But you might be surprised to know that folks abroad are doing their best to be involved. Here is a sampling of URLs... Tell an American to Vote www. Purpose: Help people around the world convince their American friends to vote. Overseas Vote “Overseas Americans have different experiences and access to different media sources. so they have a different view of foreign policy this election.” The World Votes A global, albeit merely symbolic, election with more than 8500 participants on five continents, casting a ballot for either Kerry or Bush. They hope Americans will see it and think about the rest of the world. Talk to U.S. The founder of this site, William Brent, lived in China for 16 years working as a journalist and filmmaker before returning to the U.S. two years ago. Upon returning, he was surprised to see how many Americans lacked curiosity about what’s going on in the world. The TALK TO U.S. website features thoughts of people in 19 nations, from Bolivia to Sweden to China, on themes ranging from terrorism and the spread of HIV to how much people around the world have in common. The World Speaks A new portal for all the websites that are getting Americans and non-Americans talking about the presidential election in November.

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