
Friday, October 29, 2004

Friday Pet Blogging: Simon - A Memorial

Be certain to check today's entry at Modulator for more Friday Pet Blogging goodness.
At PROPHET or MADMAN today, I present a small photo collage in honor of Simon, marking the one year anniversary of his untimely death.
Thank you, Simon, for 7+ wonderful years: 4/28/96 - 10/29/03 We love you and miss you.


  1. Thank you, "Sarah," for that wonderful bit of spam you posted on what was intended to be a memorial to my late cat.

    [activate sarcasm] What a wonderful tribute to him! [deactivate sarcasm now]

    I realize, "Sarah," that maybe -- just maybe -- you only wanted to hit my most recent post. And since this was my first (and possibly only) post today, it qualified in "your" eyes.

    As soon as Blogger starts behaving again, I *will* delete "your" spamment.

    Note: I keep using quotes when referring to "Sarah" because I am not all that certain "she" is a real person. "She" is probably a bot. "Her" blog just began today, has only one post there, and it mirrors the spam "she" left as a comment here.

    Maybe I'm upset over nothing. But I won't apologize for feeling slighted. Simon was more than just a pet, he was a true member of our family and and a real character. His passing due to an undetected heart condition after an all-too-brief 7 1/2 years really hit both of us (my wife and me) hard.

  2. Hah! Got it. Go sully someone else's memory, "Sarah."

  3. Condolences on this sad anniversary. I had a dream about our Oliver last week. We lost him on 12/10/2000 and the dream kicked loose all the grief again. No matter how much time you have with 'em, it's never enough.

  4. Thank you for the kind words, Jill. And I must say, Oliver was a handsome little devil, wasn't he? :)

    We now have our twins to fill the house and our hearts: Milo & Otis, Bookends

  5. Ack! That was me on the last comment. I didn't notice that the little radio button was squarely on Anonymous. Zoinks!

  6. In my experience, orange boys are very long-lived, so you should have great luck with these handsome fellas. It must be SO nice to have two that like each other....
